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Box Events

Identity View#

Identity view is an object representing an actor within event worlds.

The identity contains complementary information and has some removed considering user privacy and wishes (profile configuration).

It can sometimes be bound to the key sender, kicked, deletor...

⚠️ Consumer can rely on the identity id as it is the only information about the end-user always presented.

Here is the description of this view:

"id": "fcfacf74-b15e-4583-bb71-55eb42cf2758",
"display_name": "Jean-Michel User",
"avatar_url": null,
"identifier_value": "",
"identifier_kind": "email"

with attributes:

  • id: (string, uuid) the unique id of the identity (can lead to the identity profile).
  • display_name: (string) the display name of the sender.
  • avatar_url: (string, nullable) the potential avatar url of the sender.
  • identifier_value: (string, emptyable) the value of the identifier.
  • identifier_kind, (string, emptyable, one of: email): the kind of the identifier.


Boxes objects contain events. An event represents the messages sent to the box as well as changes made to the state of the box (closing the box, and in the future other operations such as changing the title etc ...).

Events are mainly used in the endpoints described here and here.

An event has the following fields:

"id": "(string) (uuid): unique id set by the server",
"server_event_created_at": "(RFC3339 time): when the event was received by the server",
"box_id": "74ee16b5-89be-44f7-bcdd-117f496a90a7",
"sender": {
"id": "fcfacf74-b15e-4583-bb71-55eb42cf2758",
"display_name": "Jean-Michel User",
"avatar_url": null,
"identifier_value": "",
"identifier_kind": "email"
"type": "(string) (one of: create, msg.text, msg.file, , state.key_share, state.access_mode, member.join, member.leave): the type of the event",
"content": "(json object) (nullable): its shape depends on the type of event - see definitions below",
"referrer_id": "(string) (uuid) (nullable): the uuid of a potential referrer event"

Create type event#

A box starts with a create event which is not posted by the client but is instead inserted automatically by the backend at the creation of the box.

An event of type create has the following content fields:

"type": "create",
"content": {
"public_key": "(string): the public key that must be used to encrypt messages for this box",
"title": "(string): the title of the box"
"owner_org_id": "(uuid string) the organization id",
"datatag_id": "(uuid string) (optional) the datatag id",
"subject_identity_id": "(uuid string) (optional) the subject identity id",
"referrer_id": null

Member type events#


The member.join event is sent by the user when they want to be a member of the box. The user must have access to the box to send such an event.

Messages of type member.join have no content field:

"type": "member.join",
"content": null,
"referrer_id": null


An event of type member.leave can be added by the user if they are member of the box. It will automatically refers the previous member.join event of the user. An admin can not create a member.leave event on their box.

"type": "member.leave",
"referrer_id": "<member.join id> (automatically added by the server)",
"content": null


An event of type member.kick is automatically added to the box by the backend when an access.rm removes the last access rules allowing some members to access the box.

If any other rules allows the members to access the box, the event is not triggered.

The event refers the previous member.join event of the user, the sender_id is set to the kicked member id.

Messages of type member.kick have no content.

"type": "member.kick",
"referrer_id": "(string) (uuid): member.join id",
"sender_id": "(string) (uuid): the kicked identity",
"content": {
"kicker_id": "(string) (uuid): the person who has triggered the kick event"

Once the event has been created for a user, the user cannot get/list the box anymore.

On read, the kicker_id is transformed into a kicker field containing sender information. This kicker attribute is nullable.

Message type events#

Messages allow the transfer of encrypted message text or blob data.


Messages of type msg.text allow the transfer of message text.

"type": "msg.text",
"content": {
"encrypted": "(string) (unpadded URL-safe base64): the encrypted message. Recall that files are sent separately from the message, so the size of a message event stays rather small.",
"deleted": { // nullable, indicates the message have been removed
"at_time": "indicates the deletion time of the message",
"by_identity": "indicates who has deleted the message",
"last_edited_at": "(RFC3339 time): indicates that the message was edited, and when",
"referrer_id": null


Messages of type msg.file allow the transfer of blob data.

"type": "msg.file",
"content": {
"is_saved": "(bool): is the file in user My Documents",
"encrypted": "(string) (unpadded URL-safe base64): information about file encryption.",
"encrypted_file_id": "(string) (uuid format): a unique uuid used to store and download the file",
"deleted": { // nullable, indicates the message have been removed
"at_time": "indicates the deletion time of the message",
"by_identity": "indicates who has deleted the message",
"referrer_id": null

Deleting a Message#

Moved here

Editing a Message#

Users can edit their own messages.

"type": "msg.edit",
"content": {
"new_encrypted": "EditedXXB64dcc9PhJTeyUS2K04zeHKLMW8fviUkmyBjWdGvwwo=",
"new_public_key": "EditedXXa75RO1FzZpskiKHAggyB7YNJoz4R24dnMFvHfMzu4wQ="
"referrer_id": "7410feae-637e-40a8-ab59-badeaf479c63"

Where referrer_id is the ID of the event to edit.

  • The sender's account must be the one that sent the event to edit.
  • the message must not be already deleted
  • the box must be not be closed

State type events#

State events are meant to update the state of a box: information that can be set to only one value and are overriden when updated.

Access Mode#

The state.access_mode event changes the access mode of a box: public or limited.

Anyone can join a box in public mode. Only people matching access rules can join a box in a limited mode.

"type": "state.access_mode",
"content": {
"value": "(string) (one of: public, limited): the new access mode value of the box"
"referrer_id": null

Key Share#

state.key_share events change the key share of a box.

"type": "state.key_share",
"extra": {
"misakey_share": "BBVZBhrLtb0DsdYtul7s1g",
"invitation_share_hash": "h1vUkzYPYwaRgH03-4L7-g",
"encrypted_invitation_key_share": "cp3nvY_OtRtetFGN0Yuxw3Cra6OjbWzO1ptOWP9hcWo"


  • all binary fields are encoded in unpadded URL-safe base64.
  • this event does not have a content field

Side effects:

  • the key share of the box will be changed (and all previous ones for this box are deleted)
  • every ACR2 member of the box will receive a cryptoaction with type set_box_key_share and encrypted content the value of extra.encrypted_invitation_key_share.

For more information on box key shares, see here.

Access type events#

Access events are specific rules defined by the admins and allowing considering their logic who can access the box.


The add of an access is represented by this event shape

"type": "access.add",
"content": {
"restriction_type": "(string) (one of : identifier or email_domain): the type of restriction the access bears",
"value": "(string): a value describing the restriction",
"auto_invite": "(optional) (boolean)",
"referrer_id": null

Where auto_invite is only required if restriction_type is identifier under some circumstances (see Section “to a specific identifier value”).

Note that there is no content.value field (it has been deprecated).

To a specific identifier value#

"type": "access.add",
"content": {
"restriction_type": "(string) (must be: identifier)",
"value": "(string): the identifier value"
"referrer_id": null

Or, in order to automatically invite the identifier (through crypto actions):

"type": "access.add",
"content": {
"restriction_type": "(string) (must be: identifier)",
"value": "(string): the identifier value",
"auto_invite": true
"extra": {
"a6cBxJMq8": "(encrypted)",
"b7x94c1wG": "(encrypted)"

Where extra is a mapping from each identity public key of the identifier being added to the encrypted crypto action to send to the corresponding identity. This will create a crypto action with type invitation and a notification with type box.auto_invite.

To an entire email domain#

"type": "access.add",
"content": {
"restriction_type": "(string) (must be: email_domain)",
"value": "(string): the email domain value (with no @)"
"referrer_id": null


The removal of an access is represented by this event shape:

"type": "access.rm",
"referrer_id": "(string): the uuid of the corresponding access.add event that has been removed"



Members are users that have lastly joined the box.


Admins are considered as the users having the most advanced privileges on a box.

Today, only the creator of the box is considered as an admin.